Forter is a fraud prevention vendor for ecommerce sites. They collect a large number of signals in JavaScript to decide whether to allow a transaction or not. I hacked together a script [1] again using Jarrod Overson’s great shift-refactor library. A sample of their code can be found at [2]. This undoes their annoying string obfuscation (setting a bunch of strings at the top of the file and then using them later, combining a bunch of strings, and some XOR based things).


Now that we have the deobfuscated (mostly) code [3], we can go over the indicators used in the code.

* Shopify event monitoring - window.Shopify
* User Agent - navigator.userAgent
* Screen width/height - screen.width / screen.height
* Available screen width/height - screen.availWidth / screen.availHeight
* Screen orientation - window.orientation || window.mozOrientation
* Device Pixel Ratio - window.devicePixelRatio
* First available pixel available from the left side of the screen - screen.availLeft
* Distance from the top side of the current screen -
* Y-coordinate of the first pixel that is not allocated to permanent or semipermanent user interface features - screen.availTop
* Screen color depth - screen.colorDepth
* Screen pixel depth - screen.pixelDepth
* Screen buffer depth (IE only) - screen.bufferDepth
* Font smoothing status (IE only) - screen.fontSmoothingEnabled
* Installed plugin count - navigator.plugins.length
* Monitoring events for orientation changes - orientationchange event
* Resize window events - resize event
* System platform - navigator.platform
* Device pixel ratio changes - setTimeout monitoring
* Mouse movement analysis
    * Slow movement
    * Jitter
    * Total events seen
    * Total distance covered
    * Global distance ratio
    * Average movement time
    * Drop count
    * Indicators for "good" vs "bad"
* Device frames per second (FPS) - requestAnimationFrame
* Performance timing
    * connectEnd
    * secureConnectionStart
    * responseStart
    * domainLookupStart
    * domainLookupEnd
* Creating a websocket connection
* NetworkInformation API - navigator.connection
    * RTT
    * Downlink speed
    * Downlink max speed
    * Connection type change event listener
* Headless detection
    * The presence of:
        * Selenium - document.$cdc_asdjflasutopfhvcZLmcfl_
        * Selenium - document.$chrome_asyncScriptInfo
        * Selenium - document.$wdc_
        * Selenium - navigator.webdriver
        * Selenium - document["documentElement"]["getAttribute"]("webdriver")
        * NightmareJS - window.__nightmare
        * Selenium IDE Recorder - window._Selenium_IDE_Recorder
        * Headless Chrome - window.domAutomation
        * Headless Chrome - window.domAutomationController
        * PhantomJS - window.callPhantom
        * PhantomJS - window._phantom
        * PhantomJS - window.__phantomas
        * NodeJS - window.Buffer
        * CouchJS - window.emit
        * Rhino - window.spawn
    * iMacros - Creating an element with the ID "imacros-highlight-div" and getting its colors
    * Querying permissions for MIDI and background-sync and looking for inconsistencies in permissions vs permissions.query (notifications are typically used for this - see
    * navigator.languages length
    * window["innerWidth"] === 800 && window["innerHeight"] === 600
* Canvas
    * Max texture anisotropy - MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT
    * Max draw buffers - MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_WEBGL
    * Shader precision formats - getShaderPrecisionFormat
    * Rendering context support for ["copyBufferSubData", "getBufferSubData", "blitFramebuffer", "framebufferTextureLayer", "getInternalformatParameter", "invalidateFramebuffer", "invalidateSubFramebuffer", "readBuffer", "renderbufferStorageMultisample", "texStorage2D", "texStorage3D", "texImage3D", "texSubImage3D", "copyTexSubImage3D", "compressedTexImage3D", "compressedTexSubImage3D", "getFragDataLocation", "uniform1ui", "uniform2ui", "uniform3ui", "uniform4ui", "uniform1uiv", "uniform2uiv", "uniform3uiv", "uniform4uiv", "uniformMatrix2x3fv", "uniformMatrix3x2fv", "uniformMatrix2x4fv", "uniformMatrix4x2fv", "uniformMatrix3x4fv", "uniformMatrix4x3fv", "vertexAttribI4i", "vertexAttribI4iv", "vertexAttribI4ui", "vertexAttribI4uiv", "vertexAttribIPointer", "vertexAttribDivisor", "drawArraysInstanced", "drawElementsInstanced", "drawRangeElements", "drawBuffers", "clearBufferiv", "clearBufferuiv", "clearBufferfv", "clearBufferfi", "createQuery", "deleteQuery", "isQuery", "beginQuery", "endQuery", "getQuery", "getQueryParameter", "createSampler", "deleteSampler", "isSampler", "bindSampler", "samplerParameteri", "samplerParameterf", "getSamplerParameter", "fenceSync", "isSync", "deleteSync", "clientWaitSync", "waitSync", "getSyncParameter", "createTransformFeedback", "deleteTransformFeedback", "isTransformFeedback", "bindTransformFeedback", "beginTransformFeedback", "endTransformFeedback", "transformFeedbackVaryings", "getTransformFeedbackVarying", "pauseTransformFeedback", "resumeTransformFeedback", "bindBufferBase", "bindBufferRange", "getIndexedParameter", "getUniformIndices", "getActiveUniforms", "getUniformBlockIndex", "getActiveUniformBlockParameter", "getActiveUniformBlockName", "uniformBlockBinding", "createVertexArray", "deleteVertexArray", "isVertexArray", "bindVertexArray"]
* Workers support
* CPU cores - navigator.hardwareConcurrency
* Incognito detection
    * Chrome - < 12e7 (see
    * Firefox (disabled in Incognito) - indexedDB/mozIndexedDB support
* Memory performance indicators
    * window.performance.memory
        * JS Heap Size Limit - jsHeapSizeLimit
        * Total JS Heap Size - totalJSHeapSize
        * Used JS Heap Size - usedJSHeapSize
* Media devices enumeration (and counts by type) - navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices
* Speech synthesis voices - speechSynthesis.getVoices();
* Opera browser detection - window.opera
* Yandex browser detection -
* Maxthon detection - window.mxZoomFactor
* Silk browser detection - window.com_amazon_cloud9_immersion
* Firefox mobile detection - Firefox in UserAgent but no NetworkInformation support
* Firefox detection - typeof(InstallTrigger) !== "undefined"
* IE detection - document.documentMode support
* Brave detection - navigator.brave && typeof navigator.brave.isBrave === "function"
* Safari detection
    navigator["getStorageUpdates"] && navigator["getStorageUpdates"]["toString"] && navigator["getStorageUpdates"]["toString"]()["indexOf"]("native") > 0 || l1I["test"](window["HTMLElement"]) || function (e1J) {
          return e1J && e1J["toString"]() === "[object SafariRemoteNotification]";
* Mobile Safari detection - same as regular Safari detection but a TouchEvent can be created
* Safari standalone status - navigator.standalone
* IE version detection - IE templates (
      u1J = document["createElement"]("div");
      u1J["innerHTML"] = "<!--[if lt IE 8]><i></i><![endif]-->";
      Q1J["ieVerLessThan8"] = document["getElementsByTagName"]("i")["length"] === 1;
* Touchscreen max touch points - navigator.maxTouchPoints
* Browser engine detection - Creating a new element, iterating over its style attribute, and checking for prefixed CSS attributes (moz, webkit, ms)
* STUN Local/Remote IP Address - RTCPeerConnection to and
  1. Available at
  2. Originally available at The version my deobfuscation script was tested on can be found at
  3. Available at